Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bullet Voting

What is bullet voting?

To bullet vote, only vote for one candidate in a category where several candidates can be selected.  Those votes will carry much more weight and increase the chance of that person being elected.

Jess Speaker is an exceptionally capable, responsible and inspiring
individual who I want the privilege to work with every chance I get.
He is perfectly suited for this position and it's an honor to extend
him my full endorsement.
                                                       --Nick Blaemire

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Judy Blazer says:

"Jess is one of the most calm, kind, non-stop doers I've met in a long time. One is almost completely unaware of all he is doing because he does it with such grace and ease that one hardly feels him "working". But he is always taking care of things and people and is so devoted to doing so. He is quietly accomplishing a hundred and one things at the same time and devoting himself to improving conditions for people around him. He is particularly devoted to A.E.A. and wants to be a part of improving innumerable elements on and around the needs of actors and stage managers in these very difficult times. It is his passion. I believe he would bring so much goodness to the table. He is a wonderful person and a kind and caring leader. He has my vote!!"
        --Judy Blazer


For all you Facebook fans I have opened a group for my supporters.  Come and join me HERE.

Monday, April 6, 2009



Welcome to my election blog!

This is a place to read a little about me and my thoughts on Actors' Equity.  Please take a look around and read my statement from AEA News, read my speech from the April 3rd Membership Meeting, see what others are saying about me and my candidacy.  I also welcome any and all questions.

Most importantly I ask that you vote.  The strength of our Union comes from active participation from the membership.

In solidarity,
Jess W. Speaker, III
"As a proud member of AEA for over 15 years, I would be thrilled to have someone of Jess’ caliber, talent and integrity representing us on the council."
                           --Donna Lynne Champlin

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Below is the speech that I gave at the April 3rd National Membership meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Good afternoon!  My name is Jess W. Speaker, III and I am proud to be a Liaison from Washington, DC wanting to be part of the next generation of leaders in Actors’ Equity.  

Like you, becoming a member of Actors’ Equity has always been one of the proudest moments in my career.  Why?  Being a member of Equity means more than health care and pension; it is what validates us as professionals in this industry.  It DOES help us to achieve benefits that allow us a livelihood in our business but it also provides protection for its members. 

I want to make sure that all Equity members feel that their Union is behind them and protecting them.  Our industry is constantly changing due to economic, political and cultural factors that pose new challenges to the survival of live theatre.  We are continuing to face great changes in our industry as we enter an economic climate unlike any most of us have ever seen.  If elected to Council, I will make it my priority to keep our union focused on the most important issues we face in these uncertain times:
  • We need to maintain safe working conditions under all contracts so our members can focus their energies on their craft
  •  We have to find ways to increase the number of workweeks available to the membership by organizing and continuing our work to reclaim the road.
  •  We will continue to advocate for a higher quality of life through better salaries and health care

We have met many challenges in the past years.  Equity is making great strides in the fights for better health care and improved working conditions on the road, in the regions and across all contracts.  We have achieved great things but we must continue our work. 

I am passionate about Equity.  I am passionate about the future of our Union and meeting the needs of the membership on a national and regional level.  I believe in what being a proud member of Equity means.  We believe that we are skilled in our craft, our art, and that we deserve protection and support from our Union.  Let me work for you to improve our Union.  Let me be your voice in Council.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

AEA News Statement

Jess W. Speaker, III

Residence: Washington, DC

Contracts Worked: Production, LORT, CORST, COST, SPT, TYA, URTA, Guest Artist, LOA, Special Appearance

Committees: Stage Managers, LORT, Stock, Developing Theatres, TYA, EPA; Co-Chair of the DC Liaison Committee; 2008 COST and Ogunquit negotiation teams

Becoming a member of Actors’ Equity has always been one of the proudest moments in my career.  Not only did it validate me as a professional in our industry, but it provided me a way to achieve benefits that allow us a livelihood in our business.  Healthcare, pension and workplace protection are things that must not be taken for granted.  We must be flexible enough to survive in this economic downturn but not give up the basic needs that are vital to working in the theatre.

As an Equity member living and working outside an office city, I feel that it’s critical to have Councillors working throughout the country.  Regional representation helps unite our members and gives a stronger voice to those outside office cities.  I want to be a voice for our regional Equity communities.

I want to make sure that all Equity members feel that their Union is behind them and protecting them.  If elected to Council, I will make it my priority to keep our union focused on the most important issues we face in these uncertain times: maintaining safe working conditions under all contracts so our members can focus their energies on their craft, increasing the number of workweeks available to the membership, while advocating for a higher quality of life through better salaries and healthcare.

Let me work for you and our Union